NodeSchool Projects

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This website is hooked up to this Google Spreadsheet, which I've shared, so click and add your favorite community project to the bottom of the list! For the map you'll need to get the lat and long of the location where that teams usually meets to hack together, you can get that here. Locating of these places is helpful, so please try to fill out all the columns.


NodeSchool participants have ambitions to develop their own projects. Today, it is difficult to coordinate learning+dev activities in the wider community. Where do I find someone who can help my team, how do I discover a project worth contributing to? This listing is an attempt to keep ephemeral projects active and shared amongst the community of learners, mentors, but also non-tech business co-founders wishing to stay plugged with the tech learning community.

Besides being a list I've wanted to have, it's a fantastic (or I think so) way of using sheetsee.js, which is a little JavaScript library @jlord's been working on. Sheetsee.js helps you hook a Google Spreadsheet (awesome for data and collaboration!) to a website to make data more visual (maps, tables, charts).


As learning vehicles, projects die quickly. A team advancing their collective skills across multiple similarly themed projects sticks together. A team working on a theme to advance a project, a themed team, a theam.


There is just a gh-pages branch in GitHub for this project so when you fork it, you've got a live and hosted website instantly. BAM! Just copy the spreadsheet headers and create your own spreadsheet, swap out the spreadsheet key in index.html and commit those changes: you've got a live and hosted site with a spreadsheet you control. More on the readme.